
新公式問題集Vol6. No.111 解説





Human's instinct

Now I just put my daughter down.

I was wondering what I should write about today.
Maybe, I can talk about the today's weather.

It has very cold like a fall since this morning.
I've hated summer since last year because the crazy heat made the morning sickness much worse when I was pregnant.

we sometimes hear about the news that some people are killed by the flooded river because of the heavy rain etc.

I always think why they risk their life to get close to such a dangerous place.
According to the psychologist , it is connected to our instinct that human wants to see what is going on and what the fear is with their eyes.
By knowing the fear,  it seems to make us relieved.

I can understand the analysis.
I also am the person who wants to analyze and know why all the issues happens.
(Although I'm not interested in the flooded river)

When I had a first baby, I was really devastated because I was not able to find the reason why
he cried and didn't sleep at all.

But now, I understand I'll never find the appropriate answer for raising child.

 put my daughter down:娘を寝かしつける


immunization shot

I took my son to the hospital today because he needed to take a immunization shot.
More than two years has already passed since he took a shot last.
Of course, he forgot how painful it was and how it was like.
When we left the house, he asked me " What kind of shape is a injection needle?"
I changed the subject since I knew I should say it is a sharp needle.

The immunization shot consists of two times.
More than one weeks later, he needs to do that again.
It is easy to imagine that he would refuse to take a shot once he fails to do it today.
So, I really wanted him to succeed it whatever it takes!!

To avoid having a bad image for a shot,
I told him how painful it would be again and again.
You would be a hero if you succeed it without crying, I said.

As a result, he did it without any problems. He looked proud of himself after that.

I hope he can handle it easily again one week later.

 immunization shot:予防接種


Parents' responsibility

As you may know, two junior high school students were stabbed and killed by a man.
Their head and face were bound with adhesive tape.
It is a horrible murder.

Of course, the man should be punished accordingly,
but  I can't help but wonder why the girl and the boy was hanging around the city in the middle of the night and
what their parents were doing and how they were thinking about it.

I would never allow my child to go out at the night unless there is a special reason.
(but I can't come up with any special reason which allows them to go out at night)

Supervising a child is one of the parents' responsibility.
Parents should always know where their child is and who he or she is with.

were stabbed: 刺される
were bound with adhesive tape: 粘着テープで縛られる


Good way to study

I haven't studied seriously since I got pregnant. 
I need to make up for loss time...!

Today, I was waiting for my baby to fall asleep because I wanted to study after that. 
However, she didn't seem sleepy at all.
So I decided to start studying beside her.

She was lying on the mattress on the floor and I also lied down. 
Then I spread the book.

I thought she would cry soon as soon as she got bored. 
But, she was very very patient. It looked like she was also enjoying reading a book. 

I succeeded in reading a book for a few hours!!

I found a good way to study today.

make up for loss time: 無駄になった時間の穴埋めをする


新公式問題集Vol.6 No.110 解説





professionalは形容詞、その後ろは名詞が続く というのをヒントに解く事ができます。






I had a fever.

I was not well for a few days because of a slight fever. 
It took longer than usual to recover this time.
I know why.  Even when I had a fever, I had to nurse my baby at 3 a.m. 
and my son woke me up early in the morning.
Of course, it took long to get well!!!

Besides, I can't take medicines while I nurse a baby.

I couldn't help but leaving my son  with my parents one night. 
What I need to do was to take care of only my baby.

What a easy day it was! 

However, I felt sad a bit when I saw my son's toys left in the room.