
5 Is it true that non-working mothers...?

I met my friends from my high school and held a farewell party for one of them who will be leaving here for Osaka in March. Actually,she was too busy to meet me. Then the time when we finally met was the last day before she leaves…!

Anyway, I really felt comfortable with people who have the same mind-set and the fundamental values of life.

We talked a lot about a wide range of topics like our lives, husbands, kids, educations and the problems our communities have. What I got interested in and  also scared about was non-working mothers I might meet in a kindergarten. Although we have a kind of prejudice again st non-working mothers because most of us are working mothers, one of my friends had difficulty having a healthy communication with them in her son’s kindergarten. 

According to her, (of course, I can’t judge whether it is true or not, though)it appears that non-working mothers tend to have self-confidence without any substantial reasons, which may come    from a small world where they are staying and which makes them narrow-minded. Furthermore, she said that they sometimes tended to go to the extreme of seeking personal advantages for their own sake with narrow and inflexible ideas. She said that they were the type of person who has a lack of consideration.

It may sound exaggerating, but part of me think this is one of the reasons why I stay busy working outside and want to be a person of good sense.

held a farewell party・・・お別れ会を開く
fundamental values of life・・・人生の基本的な価値観
substantial reasons・・・根拠のある理由
narrow minded・・・狭い心
go to the extreme of seeking personal advantages for their own sake
part of me・・・心の片隅では

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