
レアジョブ受講 第3回 Free Conversation



I'm a perceptive person.(自分は敏感な人なんです)


If you think you look beautiful in the mirror,
maybe your baby is a girl.

When I saw the sister-in low, her face was looming and I could see luminant or something.
Her baby was a girl.


I took an ultrasound yesterday, but the doctor didn't say clearly.


ultrasound:発音はəltrəˌsound と訂正されました。


Q:What are your dreams and goals in your life?

I used to work until summer as an English teacher.
But I want to come back to be a teacher after giving birth.

If I want to be hired by a company, I need to proof my English ability.
So I think I need to get TOEIC score,
 but I think it is natural for the teachers to have a perfect score as a certificate.

So my immediate goal is to get a prefect score of TOEIC.
Maybe the certificate would support me when I start to look for a job.

Q: What or who make your life meaningful?

Of course my family, my husband and my son.
and of course they sometimes irritate me, but they give me a lot of happiness.

Part  of me think half of my life exists to support their lives
because I need to cook for them, do house chores, do the laundry and clean my house for them.
Of course I do that for myself, but if I need to do that only for me, I can cut corners. 
But if I think I should do that for them, I think I want to improve my cooking skill,
keep my house clean anytime and so on.

Eventually, these things makes my life meaningful.

Q: What kind of life would you like to have?

I've discussed it with my husband.

My life style will be dramatically different from my current one.
So I'm sometimes wondering how I work. Until summer, as a teacher, I used to work part-time.
I came back home by the time my son came back home.

But after giving birth, I want to work regularly and make more money.
If I think in that way, it would be difficult to continue to be a teacher.
Because teaching job is in the morning and in the evening mainly.

On the other hand, I don't know if I can be satisfied with cushier at a store.
Teaching is more fun, meaningful, and enjoyable.

So my husband asks me "which is more important, money or making your life meaningful?".

I know money is also important,
but If I continue to have a boring job everyday, I don't think I can live a life full of passion.

Therefore, maybe I need to pursue my dream and make effort to fulfill my dream.

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