今日はdaily news articleの話題についてディスカッションしました。
そのお題は「Human Intelligence Is Declining」でした。
Summarize of the article
Some scientist insists that people is getting less intelligent after observing IQ in the first world countries.
The scientists think that the main reason why IQ is dropping is mainly genetic. In general, intellectual people chose to have fewer children because raising children is very hard and they tend to give their first priority to their carrier.
On the other hand, other scientist say that IQ drop is only a lapse, and human intelligence will stabilize in time.
Q: Do you agree that people have already reached their intellectual peak?
I don't agree with this idea because I believe there are many areas we don't know yet.
A few months ago, one scientist announced her theses about a new cell, which can be helpful
to regenerate a new cell for body's parts.
It was considered a breakthrough discovery. So she got a lot of attention from media and public.
However she didn't have enough ability so, she failed to prove it completely.
She was criticized for the failure a lot.
Besides, her senior co-worker felt responsibility too much and committed a suicide.
He was also one of the professors who cooperated with her theses.
I is very ashamed that the portion of the study might be delayed because of the incident.
So when it comes to this new cell, we can say the progress is on its way.
例として、小保方さんが新しい細胞 "STAP細胞"を発見し、
「She claimed she had developed a radical and remarkably easy way to make cells, called Stimulus-Triggered Acquisition of Pluripotency (STAP) cells, that can grow into any tissue in the body.」
なるほど、develop a racial and remarkably easy way to make cellsという事は、
the cells can grow into any tissue in the bodyということで、
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