
13 His well-regulated life

A few weeks have already passed since my son entered kindergarten. 
Actually, his lifestyle dramatically changed when it came to taking a nap. Before he entered kindergarten, he took a nap for one to two hours in the afternoon. 

However, now he comes back around 3:30 and  it seems too late to put him in a bed if Ii want him to go to bed at night. Therefore, he continues to play with me until dinner and toward dinner time, he gradually gets cranky. When he doesn’t like something or can’t stand something, he easily gets angry or starts crying. Still, he tries to stay awake and keep playing.

He has skipped dinner a few times. He usually knows that I will be in a bad mood if he doesn’t sit down and eat dinner. However, when he is sleepy, he just doesn’t know what is happening around him and concentrates on what he wants to do as if he tries to forget that he is sleepy. 

Thanks to him staying up all day, he can easily fall asleep in a few minutes, that is much earlier than when he took a nap. It sounds like “well-regulated life”, but instead of that, he skips dinner. I’m just wondering if I can say his life style is truly “well-regulated life”・・・

when it came to :~の事となると
he gradually gets cranky:彼はだんだん不機嫌になる
 I will be in a bad mood:私は不機嫌になる
Thanks to him staying up all day:彼が一日起きていたお蔭で

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